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LA FORET IMAGINAIRE ® an artistic proposition

An aesthetic interpretation of nature


The intention

La FORET IMAGINAIRE is an original visuel-art installation intended to raise public awareness and help to sustain or restore a bond throught which man respects nature. The medium ? An ensemble of large-format artworks featuring trees portrayed in a form of writing.


The allegory involves the hanging of banners in venues that are sufficiently vast for an imaginary forest to be created in them. Each unique banner displays the mark of a living tree, combinated with a text. The installation is spacious enough for the public to be able to move between the banners, taking time to absorb the texts and the powerful calligraphy. The texts were written by the artist or borrowed from authors with whom he has an affinity ; and the calligraphic art stems from sketches drawn by the artist on several continents. 


The purpose here is to lead each spectator to question their bond with nature; to ensure that it is a respectful bond; and to hlp reposition humankind in the hierarchy of livings things.

un assemblage de kakémonos de grandes dimensions suspendus au plafond d'un château du 17ème siècle représentent une forêt imaginaire avec des portraits d'arbres calligraphiés d'Yves Dimier
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web portrait Yves Dimier calligraphe Hangar 717.jpg
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